Our first ROS Distribution release is here: Box Turtle. You can read our announcement at: http://www.ros.org/news/2010/03/ros-distributions-box-turtle-release.html Kudos to Morgan Quigley for bringing apt-get to ROS! For developers, we want to highlight a few more things that come with this release. The first is that we are providing support (i.e. bug fixes) for the 1.0 stacks in this release, which cover most of our core capabilities, like navigation. Second, our bleeding edge development will be in the "Latest" release, out of which we will hatch "C Turtle". We strongly encourage transitioning off of: https://code.ros.org/svn/wg-ros-pkg/all/ as it links against these bleeding-edge versions. Our ROS installation instructions [1] provide 'rosinstall' files with several configurations for SVN checkout. You can also fetch all of our released stacks (including PR2 stacks) from: https://code.ros.org/svn/wg-ros-pkg/externals/boxturtle/ Third, we want to say thank you, especially to the early adopters, for sticking with us as ROS went through its growing pains to reach this first distribution. We've done our best to take your feedback about stability, documentation, and tutorials, and tried to roll it into our first ROS distribution. There were many deprecations and changes along the way, but we've now arrived at a new release process that identifies stable libraries and provides an easier migration process forward. We hope this will provide what you've been looking for. If not, we're always listening for feedback. Finally, to repeat an administrative note, wg-ros-pkg/trunk/sandbox has been emptied and deprecated packages deleted. We've created a boxturtle branch of wg-ros-pkg/trunk [2] that you can checkout on top of Box Turtle. There are a lot of cool things in the works for C Turtle. In the meantime, enjoy Box Turtle and let us know what you think! -- your friendly neighborhood ROS turtle hatchery [1]: http://ros.org/wiki/ROS/Installation [2]: https://code.ros.org/svn/wg-ros-pkg/branches/trunk_boxturtle/