Hey all, As I mentioned in another thread, I'm having a problem with collision detection. I want to test to see if the robot is colliding with itself. I've loaded the URDF into robot_description, I'm publishing joint_states, I've set default_collision_operations, and defined groups. Here's how I'm launching planning_environment. My robot generously fits into a 2 meter cube. However, when I run collision detection (i.e. call GetStateValidity), the collisions the algorithm finds are far outside the 2 meter cube. Here's one marker: --- header: seq: 150 stamp: secs: 1281057846 nsecs: 457145271 frame_id: BASE_FRAME ns: PIECE1+PIECE2 id: 150 type: 2 action: 0 pose: position: x: -67.8300476074 y: -29.5642662048 z: 11.4108705521 orientation: x: 0.0 y: 0.0 z: 0.0 w: 1.0 scale: x: 0.01 y: 0.01 z: 0.01 color: r: 1.0 g: 0.800000011921 b: 0.0399999991059 a: 0.600000023842 lifetime: secs: 0 nsecs: 0 frame_locked: False points: [] colors: [] text: '' mesh_resource: '' mesh_use_embedded_materials: False Why would there be a collision all the way out there? My only thought is that all of my meshes are scaled to a factor of .01, but even manually scaling the markers down by that much, they don't correspond with the space that the robot occupies. Any thoughts? -David!!