
I'm trying to use HAPI to create a node that manages a Novint Falcon haptic device.

The problem is that haptic rendering doesn't work at all when I manage the device from a ROS node, while almost the same code (without all the ROS stuff) works fine from a standalone process.

I know that HAPI internally spawns a separate thread to manage the device at high frequencies (~1 kHz). I also know that the way it does it is through another library (distributed with HAPI) named H3DUtil, which in turn uses pthreads. I suspect there must be some kind of interference between the thread that manages the haptic device and ROS, but I'm not comfortable enough with any of them (HAPI or ROS) to be able to speculate any further.

Has anyone had any experience with this library before and experienced similar problems? And if nobody has, does somebody have any suggestion on which way should I go to try to fix this?
