Dear Ros-Users,

I am thinking of writing a background subtraction filter for my incoming laser data through hokoyo_node.

Here are my problems.

1) After going through the examples of laser_filters, I thought I can use scan_to_scan_filter_chain node to run "background_subtraction_filter-which is the one I am writing, inside it. However, it gave an error msg saying

According to the loaded plugin descriptions the class LaserBackgroundSubtractionFilter with base class type filters::FilterBase<sensor_msgs::LaserScan> does not exist.

Is there a way to run a user's filter inside scan_to_scan_filter_chain node?

2) On the other hand, once you write your own filter according to the "Implementing a simple filter" tutorial how do you run it - what node should it be associated with ?

Thank you in advance

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