Hi Yun,

You can attach objects to parts of the robot body using the AttachedCollisionObject message in the mapping_msgs package. The topic to broadcast this message on is the "attached_collision_object" topic. The message lets you specify the object shape, the link that the object will be attached to, the pose relative to this link and a set of links with with collisions will be disabled for the object. Have a look at the message file, the comments in the message should help you out.

We are in the process of putting up tutorials for this with example code and I will send out an email with a pointer to a tutorial as soon as we get one up on the Wiki.


On Sat, Apr 3, 2010 at 9:44 PM, Yun Jiang <helenjyun@gmail.com> wrote:

I'm working on an project of controlling PR2 to grasp objects. I'm new to ROS and got several stupid questions,

1) after grasping, when I use planner to move the arm, it always returned the state is in collision. I felt that I probably should attach the object to the robot to avoid obstacle detection for it. But I don't know how. Is there any service or simple way to do this?

2) I read tutorials about moving one arm, but I'm wondering if I can control two arms simultaneously so that they can move together?



Yun Jiang

Dept. Computer Science,
School of Engineering,
Cornell University

ros-users mailing list

Sachin Chitta
Research Scientist
Willow Garage