Hi Everyone,

We're working on a project that requires us to repeatedly reset/reconfigure the Gazebo simulator to run simulations under various conditions (different objects in different places, etc.), and in trying to do so I have encountered some issues. I have a couple of questions:

1) Removing objects (using the delete_model service) doesn't seem to work when the object has any controllers attached to it, specifically the ones from gazebo_plugins. I'm not totally in tune with what's going on in the Gazebo code, but it seems that objects might be getting deleted without deleting/deactiving child controllers first. Is this an issue in the code base, or am I doing something wrong?

2) If I want to control the simulation itself (reset, pause, etc.), it seems that I need to access the World instance, which I can do through a plugin. Would it be better to do it through a plugin than to simply write my own "main.cc" for Gazebo, which advertises services such as "pause_simulation"?

Any help is much appreciated.
