The only place we use SWIG is for exposing wxWidgets controls to Python, because we have to use SWIG for that.  In general our experience with SWIG hasn't been very good, so any Python bindings are likely to be either through Boost.Python or the straight-C Python API.


On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 12:43 PM, Travis Deyle <> wrote:
I noticed a (new?) rosbuild directive: rosbuild_add_swigpy_library

After some searches through the ros-users archive and wiki, I haven't seen any major examples of its use.  Has anyone tried to SWIG some of the more mature libraries / stacks?  At the moment, I'm particularly interested in the costmap_2d and trajectory_planner libraries, but wanted to hear about others' mileage before falling down a rabbit hole chasing after heavy class-based SWIG wrapping.

Question to the WG ROS core developers: are python / SWIG bindings to core libraries on the roadmap?

~Travis Deyle
PhD student @ Georgia Tech's Healthcare Robotics Lab
Co-Founder -- Robotics News for Academics & Professionals

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