Kevin, I haven't even touched the Kinect yet, but the ROS interface, last I checked, uses the openni driver.  I know that there is a release of openni for OS X, but I cannot comment on its quality.  I would imagine that there should be no major road blocks to getting the Kinect, and related packages, working in ROS on OS X, but there might be some small fixes needed.  If you like, you can try to get the Kinect working in OS X and if you run into specific issues I would be happy to help you through them.  Having the Kinect work on the mac is of interest to me because of my research, but I don't have time to go down that road right now.

Hope that helps,

William Woodall
Graduate Software Engineering
Auburn University

On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 7:39 AM, Kevin Walchko <> wrote:

Thanks for all of your hard work. Question, your instructions don't reference the Kinect, unless I missed it somewhere. Have you looked to see if that is working on Lion with ROS electric?


On Aug 23, 2011, at 9:13 PM, William Woodall wrote:

To add to what John said, no this is not going to be as easy as Linux for now (we are working on that).  OpenCV should work, and usb cameras might work, but I haven't tried them.  

I don't know about the make eclipse-project command not working, could you give more detail on this (errors?)? 

Also, the wiki page is out of date, use these directions:

I would say that OS X right now is not ready for production work if you want rviz and the like to work.  If you are looking to get things done I would recommend using Linux until OS X support improves a little more over the next few months.

Hope that helps,

William Woodall
Graduate Software Engineering
Auburn University

On Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 10:35 PM, John Harrison <> wrote:
Did you follow the instructions on

William and I have been working to get everything working on OS X, at this point we have made progress but its not as well tested as the linux distributions.,-Electric-Emys,-on-OS-X-10.7-Lion-using-Homebrew Has a list of the packages we have gotten to work with OS X 10.7.

On Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 10:17 PM, Carlos J. <> wrote:
I'm trying to use ROS in MacOSX after successfully installing (not completely tested yet...stuff like rviz doesn't work...Ogre is ugly to install and it fails through macports). I'm not sure what to expect ...will other things be as simple to just install and play like in Linux? Will OpenCV work? will my uvc cameras work? 

I would like people's opinions about this transition (please, don't bash me for the ridiculous question). I would like to have a feel of how many actual mac users are having ROS working successfully. As I said, my roscore works and got the desktop-full install fine (no errors), but I ran into the case where rviz is there but it's NOT there really...

Why does stuff like "make eclipse-project" doesn't work in here?

Thanks for the positive/negative vibes to whoever feels my position.


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