Hey Ye, thanks for contributing!
But before going further, I have some question:

 1. It looks like the rviz has it's own dock widget plugin architecture. Is that an overlap between rviz and ros-gui if I make an rviz plugin for ros-gui?

Yes, rviz uses it's own plugin architecture to be independent of ROS GUI.
Actually there is already a rviz plugin for ROS GUI ("rosgui_rviz") - please take a look at the "ros_gui" stack and its packages: https://kforge.ros.org/visualization/ros_gui?p=ros_gui;a=tree

In future we may want to make the plugins compatible between ROS_GUI and RViz, I don't know.  For now, if you want to be able to use your code in either, maybe you can keep most of your code in an internal class which is the same for both frameworks and just write small wrapper classes for RViz and for ROS_GUI.

RViz and ROS_GUI both use a QMainWindow and QDockWidgets to house their widgets, so I would think that widget code written for one could be used for the other as well.  Though ROS_GUI uses a Python QMainWindow and RViz uses a C++ one.  Interesting.
 2. Is the rviz property display widget available for ros-gui?

I don't know - but the existing plugin "rosgui_rviz" runs a full instance of rviz inside a ROS GUI dock widget.

It is not currently available on its own in ROS_GUI, but I believe it could be integrated.  I plan to publish the API for RViz's property editor widget.  You can see a C++ example of how to use the property editor in visualization/rviz/src/test/property_test.cpp.  You'll need checkouts from trunk of visualization and visualization_common, build both, then "roscd rviz && make test" to build it.

I would hope the property editor widget could be used to edit properties of lots of things in ROS_GUI, but I haven't tried it.  Also, I haven't set up the Python bindings to happen for the property editor code yet, I don't know if that will be hard or easy.
