I released rqt_ez_publisher for hydro and indigo. rqt_ez_publisher automatically creates GUI for publishing topics. (It is a plugin for rqt, which is standard GUI tool of ROS.) It is similar to rqt_reconfigure, which is for parameters, but rqt_ez_publisher is for topics. Although rqt_reconfigure requires some config files, rqt_ez_publisher needs nothing. All you have to do is select a topic from list. This video shows how it works. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oajlOQfqJiw For more detail, please read wiki page. http://wiki.ros.org/rqt_ez_publisher Any feedback is welcome. Please make a issue at GitHub. https://github.com/OTL/rqt_ez_publisher/issues /************************* OTL t.ogura@gmail.com http://github.com/OTL http://youtube.com/ogutti *************************/