Hi Javier, A group of us is working on packaging ROS for Debian [1]. You can find more information in the Debian Wiki [2] and we have an IRC channel to coordinate as well [3]. Feel free to join there, help is always welcome. Debian has a rather strict policy how packages should look like, for example no files in /opt, Sonames, splitting of development and library packages. So the packages provided by OSRF are not ready to go into the Debian archive. Our aim is to build policy compliant packages and we have already done so for most of the ROS base system, i.e. ros-desktop-full. Currently we are doing some last polishing, before we will start uploading them. Cheers Jochen [1] https://lists.debian.org/debian-science/2015/10/msg00024.html [2] https://wiki.debian.org/DebianScience/Robotics/ROS [3] irc://irc.debian.org/debian-robotics