Hi Dave, thanks for sharing this! Just the other week I was wondering whether there was a simple pass-through kinematics simulator using ros_control. I'll give it a try. :) Cheers, Georg. On 13.01.2016 21:49, Dave Coleman via ros-users wrote: > Hi ROS Community, > > I'm happy to announce the release a bunch of packages I've worked on and > found useful over the years. They have been used in mine and other's > research at the University of Colorado Boulder, as well as in the Amazon > Picking Challenge and other external projects for companies. They all have > decent documentation in their README.md file, example launch files, utilize > Travis CI, and have been released in Indigo and Jade. As always, please > help in making them even better! > > *Rviz Visual Tools* > Ever wanted to make visualizing data in Rviz easier? rviz_visual_tools > provides a ton of > helper functions for visualizing different types of shapes and data in Rviz > in an efficient way. > > *MoveIt! Visual Tools* > Want to visualize multiple RobotStates while also showing different > trajectories, trajectory lines, and grasp positions? moveit_visual_tools > contains all the > functionality of rviz_visual_tools while also providing visualization of > many of the MoveIt! data types. It also makes it easy to add collision > objects to your planning scene. > > *OMPL Visual Tools* > Add to the functionality of Rviz and MoveIt! visual tools with even more > specialized features for OMPL data types and for introspecting your > sampling-based geometric OMPL planners. ompl_visual_tools > is specially good for > working in 2D or 3D spaces. > > *ROS Control Boilerplate* > Want to get started with ros_control for your next robot/robot upgrade? > ros_control_boilerplate > contains lots of > working example code for the RRBot (as seen in Gazebo) as well as many > helper utilities such as loading joint limits from rosparam and URDF, > recording trajectories to file, playing back from file, etc. > > *MoveIt! Sim Controller* > moveit_sim_controller > is a pass-through > non-physics based simulator for quickly testing your ros_control robot > offline. It also allows you to load your robot's initial state from a SRDF > (semantic robot description format) state instead of the default 0's state. > > *TF Keyboard Cal* > Don't want to worry about more specialized calibration techniques for > moving your /tf transforms to different locations? tf_keyboard_cal > lets you use your > computer keyboard to tweak the 6 dof transform of a frame quickly and > intuitively, and even load/save the settings from file. > > *ROS Param Shortcuts* > The package rosparam_shortcuts > provides lots of > helper functions for all sorts of datatypes to be easily loaded from > parameter server with good user feedback if the parameter is missing. This > package enforces the philosphy that there should be no default parameters - > everything must be defined by the user in yaml files (or launch files or > where ever) otherwise your program should not run. > > *Two New Message Types* > For those interested, I've created cartesian_msgs > for commanding a robot's > Cartesian end effector position (instead of by joint values), and I've also > released graph_msgs for > sending graphs of nodes and edges across ROS topics. > > I hope these are helpful to your robotics projects! > > - > Dave Coleman > Correll Robotics Lab | CU Boulder | dav.ee > > > > _______________________________________________ > ros-users mailing list > ros-users@lists.ros.org > http://lists.ros.org/mailman/listinfo/ros-users