2016 ROS Summer School, Shanghai, China July 22-28 East China Normal University Since 2012, many college students, researchers and engineers have been learning ROS (Robot Operating System) for their robot projects. When the robustness and maintainability of ROS keep improving, many robot companies in China realized the importance of ROS and began building their robot products using ROS. However, learning ROS framework and its associating components involves a very wide range of knowledge, which not only requires developers to have software programming skills, but also to be familiar with robot hardware and even understanding the background of specific industrial applications. Learning and using ROS is a slow and painful process. In 2015, we organized the first ROS summer school in China, providing a quick and in-depth learning opportunity for ROS beginners and advanced ROS users. In 2016, we will continue to provide ROS lectures by organizing 2016 ROS summer school in East China Normal University, Shanghai, in the same way we have for the last year. Below is the outline of the program. Day 1. Academic research talks and tutorials. Day 2. Representatives from industry share their experiences on application development using ROS. Day 3. Some introductory ROS courses for beginners. Day 4. Learning how to integrate ROS with mobile autonomous robots. Day 5. Some advanced topics in ROS. Day 6. The topic in computer vision. Day 7. Lectures in SLAM. Please visit our official website for the details of 2016 ROS Summer School. http://www.robotics.sei.ecnu.edu.cn/ros2016 For the past ROS Summer School, check out the link below http://www.robotics.sei.ecnu.edu.cn/ros2015 Robot Motion and Vision Laboratory East China Normal University, Shanghai, China Email: ros2016.summerschool@gmail.com