Hello everyone,

tl;dr: The Jade build farm is up and ready for releases. Pre-releases aren’t done yet, but you can skip that for a first release.


I wanted to give an update on the next distribution of ROS, which we are calling ROS Jade! We've been working on getting things ready for people to start releasing packages into Jade at their convenience.

We have many of the system dependencies spec'ed out for Jade and we've catalogued them in REP-0003 [1]. So far we have over 140 packages released into Jade, including many of the core ROS packages, with binaries for Ubuntu Trusty, Utopic, and Vivid [2]. You can compare what's in Jade versus other distributions as well [3].

At this point I think it is safe for maintainers to start releasing their packages into Jade. Necessarily, you'll need the packages which you depend on to be released before you can release your packages, but some recent improvements to bloom should make it easier to check that, so make sure you have bloom version 0.5.17 or greater before trying to release!

If you find that some of your dependencies are not released yet, I encourage you to work with the maintainers for those packages and ask them to do so.

The Jade release it targeted for May 2015, so we have several months to get things released and tested, but we should avoid procrastinating.

There are few things still missing for the Jade kick-off, but we are tracking them on GitHub [4].
For example, we are still working on the pre-release instructions for Jade, but I’ve decided to make this announcement anyways because the pre-release is designed to make sure your release doesn’t break packages which depend on your packages.
Since your packages should not have any downstream dependencies yet, releasing without a pre-release right now is okay.
So, when releasing a package for the first time into Jade, releasers should run the local deb build test [5] or just release without a pre-release test.

Thanks, and happy releasing!

[1]: http://www.ros.org/reps/rep-0003.html#jade-turtle-may-2015-may-2017
[2]: http://www.ros.org/debbuild/jade.html
[3]: http://www.ros.org/debbuild/compare_groovy_hydro_indigo_jade.html
[4]: https://github.com/ros/rosdistro/issues/6435
[5]: http://wiki.ros.org/bloom/Tutorials/PrereleaseTest#bloom.2BAC8-Tutorials.2BAC8-PrereleaseTest.2BAC8-indigo.Perform_the_pre-release_locally

William Woodall
ROS Development Team - Jade Boss