I've started one here for the fallback behaviour on /api:


On 4 June 2015 at 20:53, Daniel Stonier via ros-users <ros-users@lists.ros.org> wrote:

I started a thread at ros-infrastructure/roswiki#134 to get things rolling - please add your thoughts there.


On 3 June 2015 at 17:08, Tully Foote <tfoote@osrfoundation.org> wrote:

On Tue, Jun 2, 2015 at 5:54 PM, Daniel Stonier via ros-users <ros-users@lists.ros.org> wrote:

On 7 May 2015 at 05:55, William Woodall via ros-users <ros-users@lists.ros.org> wrote:
Hi everyone,

For everyone out there that has been working on the documentation for Jade, first of all thanks! Second of all, I just wanted to let everyone know I just updated the ROS distro versioned blocks on the wiki to accept the `_and_newer` and the `_and_older` suffixes. This should make it easier to have sections of your wiki pages that stay up to date version to version, and should be generally more flexible. Please have a look at the updated documentation:

Something that would be very useful for us would be to lock down the default landing page to a particular version. We've got quite a few packages we only have the resources to support/upgrade for the long term releases (e.g. indigo) and it's rather repetitive always having to click back from the latest release page (where we usually put a message saying it's not supported in this release) back to the indigo page. 

That sounds like a great idea. If you could flesh it out a little more it would be a great enhancement ticket to track for adding to the wiki. [1] It might be an extension to the PackageHeader macro with an optional argument for declaring it's LTS only or something like that.




On Fri, May 1, 2015 at 6:03 PM, William Woodall <william@osrfoundation.org> wrote:
Hi guys,

tl;dr: Jade beta is out!


I'm happy to announce we're now in the Jade Beta! We're a few days behind schedule, but thanks to the hard work of all our contributors we've now got all of desktop-full released into Jade and available on packages.ros.org.

Even though we're a bit behind schedule, we would like to try and keep the original release date of May 23rd (also world turtle day [1] :D). That gives us just under 23 days until the release. We'll keep that date unless we run into a show stopper within desktop-full.

So between now and then I would encourage everyone who is able to:
  • Install `ros-jade-desktop-full` on Ubuntu and test out packages you regularly use.
    • Testing on other platforms is also appreciated!
  • Try out any documentation that you can, including tutorials, package wiki pages, and generated code docs.
  • Continue releasing packages and fill out the gaps between Jade and Indigo where possible.
If you find any issues while testing, please locate the issue tracker (usually on the corresponding wiki page for the package, e.g. wiki.ros.org/rviz) and report the issue there.

Auditing documentation is more challenging just because there is so much of it and searching on the wiki does not always make it easy to find pages with distribution specific content. So to help with this, I've done some special searches locally on the wiki's web server and compiled a list of pages which _may_ need to be updated for Jade:

So if you have time, please look at that list, and do a spot check on any pages that you use or have used in the past. Many of the core documentation pages are absent from that list because I've compiled them separately in a GitHub issue here:

Finally, if you are trying to release a package for Jade and the dependencies are not there yet, please contact the maintainers or ask for help on ros-release@lists.ros.org.

Thanks again to everyone who helped get the Jade beta out (mostly) on time.


P.S. Only ros-jade-desktop is available on armhf right now, we're waiting on an updated set of gazebo5 debs and then we'll have desktop-full on armhf as well. Also, armhf is Trusty only right now.

P.S.S. If you are testing gazebo-ros integration, we are aware of an issue with the launch files and are tracking it here:

A work around is to install `libgazebo5-dev` manually. We hope to have a proper fix out soon.

William Woodall
ROS Development Team

William Woodall
ROS Development Team

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