Looks awesome. A few quick questions, just to help everyone understand how the capabilities of this system relate to Concert and fkie_multimaster:
It's possible some of this is covered in your docs, but I didn't see it on a quick first pass.


On 22 September 2015 at 10:20, Max Schwarz via ros-users <ros-users@lists.ros.org> wrote:
Hi everyone,

our group has developed a network transport solution for multi-master ROS
systems. We used it with great success in the DLR SpaceBot-Cup and the DARPA
Robotics Challenge, where our team (NimbRo Rescue) got fourth place.

Opposed to other multi-master solutions, our software is targeted for *bad*
networks, such as WiFi connections. For example, it can handle large latencies
and large packet-drop ratios without introducing further latency or dropping

The stack is now available under BSD-3 license here:


Some features:

 * Topic transport:
   * TCP protocol for transmission guarantee
   * UDP protocol for streaming data without transmission guarantee
   * Optional transparent BZip2 compression using libbz2
   * Experimental Forward Error Correction (FEC) for the UDP transport
   * Automatic topic discovery on the receiver side. The transmitter defines
      which topics get transferred
   * Optional rate-limiting for each topic
 * Service transport:
   * TCP protocol with minimal latency (support for TCP Fast-Open is included)
   * UDP protocol with minimum latency
 * Additional nodes/filters for transmitting the ROS log, TF tree and
   H.264-compressed camera images.
 * rqt plugins for visualization and debugging of network issues

For more details, see the included README file. If you have any questions,
please don't hesitate to ask me. We would also like to hear from you if you
end up using our software!

ros-users mailing list