On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 8:54 PM, Ken Conley wrote: > For testing, we generally upload bag files to a web-accessible > location, then use build macros to download those test files on > demand. This enables fast checkout of the test packages, with the > overhead of downloading the test data enforced on running the tests. > Storing bag files outside of version control does have its issues -- > bag files, especially when messages are changed, do have versions, so > a best practice is often to encode the version in the filename if it > is not stored in a VCS. We do this using the rosbuild_download_test_data() macro: http://www.ros.org/wiki/rosbuild/CMakeLists#rosbuild_download_test_data Example usage can be seen in amcl/CMakeLists.txt and gmapping/CMakeLists.txt. brian.