On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 3:51 AM, Klaus Petersen wrote: > I have a very basic problem: First, I establish a connection between a > publisher node and a subscriber node. At this point I can receive > messages from the publisher with the subscriber node. But when I > re-start my publisher node (quit and run again) the subscriber does not > automatically resubscribe to the message. I have to restart the > subscriber as well to be able to receive again. Is this the normal > behavior with ros or am I doing something wrong? I have quite a big > robot control program tied to one of the nodes, so restarting along the > way (the initialization of the robot takes ages) is very troublesome. hi Klaus, Something's going wrong there. When your publisher is restarted, it should re-advertise with the master, which should send the new publisher list to your subscriber, which should then re-connect to your publisher. You can test this behavior with roscpp_tutorials/talker and roscpp_tutorials/listener; no matter in what order they're (re)started, listener will always connect to talker. Can you tell us something about your publisher and subscriber? Is there anything unusual about your subscriber? brian.