On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 11:00 AM, Trevor Jay wrote: > As long as the 1394 camera in question appears as a "normal" firewire > camera (i.e. it's not a Swiss Ranger or other such device), the Brown > ROS Pkg has a package named "probe" (soon to be renamed > "gstreamer_camera") that may suit your needs. It plugs into a > gstreamer pipeline and publishes the images to a ROS image transport. > Gstreamer has firewire support, so you should be able to build an > appropriate pipeline and get the image stream you want. There might be > issues with accessing the camera/image settings, but it could be a > stopgap solution provided the camera(s) you want to use aren't too > exotic. > > I mention it because probe has very few dependencies (except for the > Gstreamer library and plugins). Currently, probe depends only on > image_transport and sensor_msgs. Thanks for the suggestion, Trevor. I took a look at on Google code. Is the version in trunk/unstable/probe the current version? I see other similar packages in different parts of the tree. A few minutes looking at gstreamer docs suggests that it supports Digital Video 1394, but not Digital Camera 1394. Is that correct? My naive understanding is that DV is a different class of devices from DC speaking a different protocol (although both use the 1394 bus to transfer data). I am looking for a DC driver. Do some people have a requirement for DV, too? Shouldn't that be a different driver? Pardon me if these questions are silly, but I would be reluctant to add a future dependency on gstreamer to the camera_drivers stack without a better understanding of the issues. Regards, -- joq