On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 9:57 AM, Enea Scioni wrote: > Hi ros users, > I'm trying to use ROS framework on BeagleBoard, the installation was > completed with success. > The problem is when I try to compile the tf package: all the dipendences > (26) are resolved, but when rosmake try to compile only the tf package, an > error occour. > > cc1plus: error: unrecognized command line option "-msse3" -msse3 is a compiler option to enable the use of the sse3 instruction set. Probably your compiler does not support this option because your cpu does not support this instruction set. I think you can just remove the option from tf's CMakeLists.txt rosbuild_add_compile_flags macro for pythf_py on line 85. Ruben > and I don't know what kind of error it is. > > Unfortunately, without tf package I can't do too much and I need to resolve > this problem...any idea? > I send also the build_output.log in attachment. > > Thank you! > > Regards, > Enea Scioni >