Hello, Right now I have a camera on a robot running ROS, and I'm trying to figure out how to set things up to meet my needs. 1) The robot currently has a USB camera but may need to use Firewire in the future. Ideally whatever solution should work for both cases. The baseline requirement is to get a 320x240x10fps color video or image stream. 2) I have 1-2 vision tasks I would like to be performed locally on the robot. 3) I would like to transmit the video/image stream to a ground station using TCP/IP so I don't have multiple radios on the robot. 4) The ground station should be able to display the video/images and perform computer vision tasks on the data. 5) The video should be logged for disk so that it can be fed back into the system for debugging. It looks like there are a few different ways to solve my problems but I am wondering if there is a suggested method that will allow for the maximum code reuse. Right now I am using gstreamer but it does not seem like it will scale up cleanly to multiple vision tasks and the configuration system for gsreamer is less than ideal. Should I be using image_pipeline, nodelets or something else? It looks like the Texai are using Skype for tele-operation, is there a planned migration to a unified image/video system? Thanks, Bill