Hi Jack, > OK, those files committed to camera_drivers_experimental/camera1394/src. Thanks for writing that up, this looks great. I have created ticket ros-pkg#3921 to remind myself to push this into a higher up package. It will probably take me a while to get to it as I am going full speed on wifi issues these days. The only thing that I'll probably change slightly when I move it into a common location is to allow url_ to be modified. That way it can be dynamically configurable. (I hadn't thought about that when I wrote up the strawman API.) > It uses camera_calibration_parsers for reading and writing YAML files. > Some of those methods seem to behave strangely in cases where a file > does not exist or is empty. I have not decided what to do about that, > yet. Ticketed as ros-pkg#3922 > I'll need to keep this initial implementation where it is for the > present, because I want camera1394 to work with the boxturtle release > to get more beta testing. If a future version moves to > camera_calibration_parsers, I'll update camera1394 to use it in the > next release. Sounds good. You are CCed on ros-pkg#3321, so you'll know when I get to this. > I'd like to make this generally useful. There are things I don't know > about ROS coding standards and practices. Feedback and suggestions > would be helpful. I had a quick look, and this looks great. There is quite a bit of variation from person to person. We try not to get too uptight about details of coding style. Blaise