Under Linux (Debian Lenny) I am having issues running an ROS node with superuser (root) privileges. I must have superuser privileges on this node becuase the library for the Roboard (www.roboard.com) requires it for hardware access. That library uses #include . So what I have done is after building the node a script will chown root:root the node, and chmod +s the node. The node functions properly and as expected when it accesses the hardware, until I start using callbacks for messages. If calls are made to from within a message callback the program segfaults, but if calls are made to elsewhere in the program there are no problems. I would like to run privileged code from within the callbacks, how can I do this? Are the callbacks being executed from a separate thread which does not have privileges? What am I missing here? Or is there a better, different method to run a node with root privileges? The pr2_etherCAT (http://www.ros.org/wiki/pr2_etherCAT) node uses root privelges. A program called pr2_grant runs the chmod command similar to what I did. But pr2_etherCAT does not subscribe to any topics, nor does it include so I couldn't get more help there. Thank you, Taylor Veltrop http://taylor.veltrop.com