On Thu, 2010-04-01 at 08:43 +0200, Dejan Pangercic wrote: > Hi Josh, > > For it to show up in rviz it needs the CameraInfo -- otherwise you might as > > well just use image_view. > > > >> > >> The rviz doc seems to say it needs CameraInfo, but does not mention > >> which color encodings it supports. > So, is rviz then supposed to show an undistorted image? > Quick test would hint at this not being the case. > D. > Rviz doesn't do the rectification, you would have to use image_proc to do that. I believe that Rviz assumes that you are pointing at a rectified image and uses the camera_info so that it can place a synthetic view of the robot on top of the camera image. So Rviz uses the projection matrix, but not the distortion parameters. (Please do not consider this statement as authoritative.)