I just committed some changes to the experimental camera_info_manger implementation currently packaged with camera1394 in the camera_drivers_experimental stack. With this change, camera1394 starts cleanly even if the ~camera_info_manager/url parameter points to a non-existent file. That allows starting an uncalibrated camera, so the file will be written on the call to set_camera_info when calibration completes. This fix is basically a hack to catch exceptions thrown by the yaml_cpp package. If the file is in .ini format, it will not work. Patrick Beeson's sr4k driver uses a separate copy of the camera_info_manager. I have not updated that version yet. We discussed this issue and decided it would be cleaner to temporarily pull camera_info_manager into a separate camera_drivers_experimental package, used by both, until it is ready for release. Blaise suggested adding it to camera_calibration_parsers, which makes sense to me. But, we still need a readily available common implementation to support testing of the experimental drivers with the boxturtle release. Unless there are objections, I plan to move the code to that new experimental package shortly. -- joq