On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 10:08 AM, Patrick Beeson wrote: > This morning, I noticed that when trying to remap a topic from the > camera1394 driver, I could not get the remap to work.  It seems to me > (possibly incorrectly) that topics created from the image_transport > class will not remap at either the command-line or at from launch files. > > To test: > > run 'rosrun camera1394 camera 1394'.  rostopic shows > camera1394/camera/image_raw, etc. > > Now run 'rosrun camera1394 camera1394 camera:=left'.  the camera was not > replaced by left, as is supposed to happen in version 0.9+. > > Thoughts? This may be related to the "naming of cameras" question I posted this morning. The way I've been approaching this is to set the node name to the camera name, so the topics become /left/camera/image_raw, etc. That's fine with roslaunch, but less convenient with rosrun. This should work: $ rosrun camera1394 camera1394 camera1394:=left I am open to suggestions whether this naming scheme is good or bad. We could make it run more like the wge100_node, with different cameras started in different namespaces. As best I can tell, the topic names are compatible, but the two drivers arrive at them via different paths. -- joq