On Tuesday 06 April 2010 11:34:33 Ugo Cupcic wrote: > Hi, > > Thanks for your answers. However it still doesn't work :S > I copied the output of the commands Wim sent me at the end of the email. > > roswtf give me an error: Local network configuration is invalid: Local > hostname [ulster] resolves to [], which does not appear to be a > local IP address ['', '']. > > I don't understand as my ROS_MASTER_URI is correctly set. > echo $ROS_MASTER_URI > try setting ROS_IP: export ROS_IP= Ruben > > Cheers, > > Ugo > > ------------- > > > rosnode list > > /robot_state_publisher > /rosout > /shadowhand_publisher > > > -------------- > > > rostopic info /joint_states > > Type: sensor_msgs/JointState > > Publishers: > * /shadowhand_publisher (http://ulster:35258/) > > Subscribers: None > > ------------ > rosnode info robot_state_publisher > Node [/robot_state_publisher] > > Publications: > * /rosout [roslib/Log] > > Subscriptions: > * /time [unknown type] > * /clock [unknown type] > > Services: > * /robot_state_publisher/get_loggers > * /robot_state_publisher/set_logger_level > > contacting node http://ulster:59937/ ... > Pid: 3484 > Connections: > * topic: /rosout > * to: /rosout > * direction: outbound > * transport: TCPROS > > > ---------- > roswtf > Loaded plugin tf.tfwtf > No package or stack in context > =========================================================================== > ===== Static checks summary: > > Found 1 error(s). > > ERROR Local network configuration is invalid: Local hostname [ulster] > resolves to [], which does not appear to be a local IP address > ['', '']. > > NOTE: for more accurate IP address detection, install netifaces: > sudo easy_install netifaces > =========================================================================== > ===== Beginning tests of your ROS graph. These may take awhile... > analyzing graph... > ... done analyzing graph > running graph rules... > ... done running graph rules > > Online checks summary: > > No errors or warnings > > Vijay Pradeep wrote: > > Hi Ugo, > > > > I'm guessing this line isn't doing what you want it to: > > * * > > > > This should probably instead be a tag, since joint_states is a > > topic and not a parameter. You could also potentially get rid of this > > line entirely, assuming that nothing has been pushed into namespaces. > > That is, "joint_states" and "/joint_states" resolve to the same name for > > nodes in the "/" namespace. > > > > Vijay > > > > On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 10:22 AM, Wim Meeussen > > > > > wrote: > > > I don't understand what those 2 lines are for in the tutorial: > > > > > /> > > > > These two lines are optional, to make the robot state publisher read > > the robot description from a different parameter, or to listen to > > joint states on a different topic. But since you are using the > > default names, you won't need these lines. > > > > > > Your launch file looks good. If the callbackJointState is never > > called, this probably means the robot state publisher is not > > connected to your joint state publisher. You should try some of the > > ros tools to > > > > verify which topics are connected: > > * rostopic info /joint_states --> This will show all the nodes that > > > > are publishing/subscribing to this topic > > > > * rxgraph --> This will give a graphical representation of the ros > > > > network > > > > * rosnode info robot_state_publisher --> This will show all topics > > > > used by the robot state publisher > > > > * roswtf --> This will tell you about problems (such as unconnected > > > > topics) in your system > > > > Also, when you are running nodes, make sure you are running > > rxconsole. Not all user feedback gets printed to the terminal and > > you might be missing some useful feedback. > > > > Wim > > > > > > > > > > -- > > Wim Meeussen > > Willow Garage Inc. > > > _______________________________________________ > > ros-users mailing list > > ros-users@code.ros.org > > https://code.ros.org/mailman/listinfo/ros-users > > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > > > > _______________________________________________ > > ros-users mailing list > > ros-users@code.ros.org > > https://code.ros.org/mailman/listinfo/ros-users