Hi Eitan, > It should be possible to run the navfn planner on a static map without > running move_base. Can you try bringing up the costmap with the attached > parameters. I've tested this configuration on my machine and it brings up a > costmap of a static map just fine. > Thanks, that works! I just had to set /use_sim_time in example.launch to "false" otherwise it would not work (and roswtf complained). For a reference, the necessary steps were: 1.) start a roscore 2.) start map_server with a static map 3.) run "static_transform_publisher 0 0 0 0 0 0 /map base_link 100" from tf 4.) start "example.launch" with the modified example_params.yaml 5.) rviz now displays /costmap_node/costmap/obstacles and /costmap_node/costmap/inflated_obstacles fine > There aren't any tutorials that deal with path planning alone, although > there is extensive documentation on both NavfnROS ( > http://www.ros.org/wiki/navfn) and Costmap2DROS ( > http://www.ros.org/wiki/costmap_2d) which are the two components of the > navigation stack you want to link together. Basically, you'll create a node > that holds a Costmap2DROS object which is passed to a NavfnROS object for > planning. You can always look at the source code for move_base to get an > idea of what you need to do, though move_base uses a plugin architecture > which means it will never refer to a NavfnROS planner explicitly. Instead, > it will refer to a BaseGlobalPlanner instance that NavfnROS inherits from, > but the API will be the same. Yes, that was my plan from now on. I just thought that maybe there was something like a simple "map -> costmap -> waypoints" pipeline already available. Best regards, Armin -- Armin Hornung Albert-Ludwigs-Universität www.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/~hornunga Dept. of Computer Science HornungA@informatik.uni-freiburg.de Humanoid Robots Lab Tel.: +49 (0)761-203-8010 Georges-Köhler-Allee 79 Fax : +49 (0)761-203-8007 D-79110 Freiburg, Germany