Hi all - This isn't strictly a ROS question, but I was hoping people here would have some thoughts. I'm grabbing video off a webcam on my robot and using image transport to stream it to another computer on the same wireless network. I'm having a problem where shortly after I start subscribing to messages, my network latency skyrockets (like 1000ms+ ping times for computers on the same network, and bit rate on the robot's wifi connection goes down to 1Mb/s from 54Mb/s). I had fixed this problem a while ago by letting the router choose which channel to use, but the problem came back and I haven't had any luck fixing it. It's not a signal strength issue - iwconfig shows a link quality of 90/100 or better. Any suggestions as to what might be going on would be much appreciated. (I'm using a WRT54GS with DD-WRT) Thanks, -Dan