Firstly for Rosen on /stereo/[left|right]/camera_info: In my case, i.e. after running: "roslaunch videre_stereo_cam videre.launch" and "rosrun stereo_image_proc stereo_image_proc stereo:=stereo image:=image_raw" if I run e.g. "rostopic info /stereo/left/camera_info" I am getting following: " Type: sensor_msgs/CameraInfo Publishers: * /stereo/stereodcam ( Subscribers: None " So camera_info is being published by the stereodcam (and not by e.g. /stereo/stereo_image_proc) node which I think is a desired behavior. Secondly, response to myself: > @Rosen: Out of curiosity, running videre.launch file from > videre_stereo_cam pkg, what framerates are you getting? Mines are > around 11-16 and I constantly get following warning: > [ WARN] [1271160944.481652714]: Timed out waiting for camera. This got magically (I swear:-)) better and now I am getting 30fps. Thirdly, on getting color images: I am still getting no color images. After running "rosrun image_view stereo_view stereo:=stereo image:=image_color" I seem to be getting image_raw displayed. Do I need to do something special for color images? cheers, D.