We recently collected some large bags, using boxturtle, containing raw Velodyne 3D LIDAR data and compressed output from two Sony XCD-SX90CR cameras (each 1280x960, color). The camera1394 driver uses image_transport, so we saved the corresponding compressed images in the bags (for example: /right_front/camera/image_raw/compressed). That seemed to work, and we could use image_view to look at the bag. I forgot to save the corresponding camera_info topics, but image_view does not care. The problem came when writing an image_transport subscriber to process and display the images. Just subscribing to the compressed image published by the bag does not work. After some confusion, we hit upon this solution: $ rosrun image_transport republish compressed in:=/right_front/camera/image_raw raw out:=/right_front/camera/image_raw That does work, and we can pass the images to opencv and view them nicely. I suppose rosbag does not understand image_transport natively for either recording or playing. Is there a way to read the topic directly from rosbag play using an image_transport client? I suspect the decompression happens in the publisher. How does image_view deal with that? (Guess I should read the code.) What are the recommended Best Practices for saving and using large files like these? In minutes, these devices produce gigabytes of data, and we plan to add four more similar cameras with a 360 degree field of view. How do others deal with these issues? Regards, -- joq