Hi all - I know this has been discussed here a bit, but not in much detail. We have a Pioneer3dx that we'd like to get up and running again. I downloaded and compiled the p2os package which seems to be able to successfully connect and communicate with the robot using a serial to USB adapter. However, I'm having trouble getting the motors to do anything sensible. The robot's motor self-test looks like it works fine, but sending cmd_vel, all I can get is extremely slow, jerky movement forward or backwards (no turning). I enabled the motors with: rostopic pub cmd_motor_state -1 p2os/MotorState 1 (I also tried 4 instead of 1 which was mentioned in a previous discussion) This feels like a communication problem between the motor commands p2os is sending and the robot, but I don't know what's going on. Any ideas? Thanks, -Dan