I rosmake sound_play (a package in stacks) after having installed all the needed dependent packages I started sound_play (roslaunch sound_play soundplay_node.launch) as indicated in the README file (I checked also that my sound board was working! FESTIVAL is OK!) and I started test.py (rosrun sound_play test.py) and i got no sound and the folloqing error! _____________ [ERROR] 1272015262.911962: sound_play.libsoundplay.stopall is deprecated, use stopAll instead. This script will run continuously until you hit CTRL+C, testing various sound_node sound types. Try to play wave files that do not exist. say wave (assumes you have some xemacs21 sounds present) wave2 (assumes you have some xemacs21 sounds present) plugging unplugging plugging badly unplugging badly New API start voice New API wave New API builtin ................. _____________ PERHAPS.... COULD SOMEBODY GIVE ME SOME HINTS ON HOW TO SOLVE THIS PROBLEM??? MANY THANKS in advance Piero