I am trying to calibrate a monocular camera using the camera_calibration package and the camera1394 drivers. I am able to successfully calibrate and view a rectified image using a scale value of 0, but setting the scaling to 1.0 in the cameracalibrator doesn't seem to have any effect on the saved calibration data. Changing the scale in cameracalibrator to 1.0 does change the output shown in the calibration GUI to have black borders so that all pixels in the original image show up in the rectified image. If I try to view the rectified image output by image_proc for the corresponding scale of 1.0 gives me the same rectified output as a scale of 0.0. I have put a few prints in the calibrator to ensure that the set_alpha method is actually getting called and it is, but when I save calibration data (or upload it to the camera), the saved calibration data is the same for both scale values (and at least one of the matrices should be different correct?). Any ideas why the rectified image according to image_proc does not match the rectified image in the calibration GUI? I'm running latest on Ubuntu 9.10. - Eric