On Monday 10 May 2010 14:15:14 Stefan Kohlbrecher wrote: > Hi everyone, > > I am currently trying out the Orocos-ROS integration. In the process > of doing so, I added a WritePort to my testing TaskContext that > oscillates a floating point variable between values 0.0f and 1.0f. The > task context runs at a update rate of 200 Hz. When I plot the values > with rxplot, I get a large amount of artifacts, as can be see the > attached file 'rxplot_jitter.png'. When pausing rxplot for a while and > resuming, the data plotted for the paused period looks correct as > expected (see ' rxplot_pause.png'). Is this normal behavior and can it > be improved somehow? I suspect this is a rxplot issue ..., but I don't know the internals of rxplot. If you look at the values using rostopic echo, do you see the same artifacts? Ruben