Hi Morgan, When I tried to run bumblebee_xb3_test, there was an error as followings. joseph@tonga:~/rospkgs/cameras/bumblebee_xb3$ ./bumblebee_xb3_test Using camera "Point Grey Research BumbleBee" libdc1394 error: RAW1394 failure: in _dc1394_format7_set_color_coding (format7.c, line 195): Format7 color coding setting failure libdc1394 error: RAW1394 failure: in dc1394_format7_set_roi (format7.c, line 799): Unable to set color_coding [FATAL] 1273700415.527175000: Could not set ROI [FATAL] 1273700415.527271000: BREAKPOINT HIT file = /home/joseph/rospkgs/cameras/bumblebee_xb3/bumblebee_xb3.cpp line=41 Trace/breakpoint trap I think the code below seems to make a trouble. err = dc1394_format7_set_roi(cam, DC1394_VIDEO_MODE_FORMAT7_3, DC1394_COLOR_CODING_RGB8, 5000,0,0, 1280, 960); //4000); //4096); Should I change color code? I'm testing bumblebee2. I commented out dc1394_video_set_operation_mode setting DC1394_OPERATION_MODE_1394B and set iso as ISO_SPEED_400. Is there any possibility for those change to affect to make the error above? Best, Soonhac