I recently committed a change to the camera_info_manager C++ API in the camera_drivers trunk. http://www.ros.org/wiki/camera_info_manager The new version no longer reads its own ~camera_info_url parameter. Doing that forced the namespaces for the service and the parameter to be the same, which is not appropriate. We already pass the URL to the CameraInfoManager constructor. So, I added a setURL() mutator for nodes that want to change it dynamically. This only affects camera nodes using the CameraInfoManager C++ API. The ones in camera_drivers trunk have been updated to handle the change transparently by reading ~camera_info_url themselves and passing it to camera_info_manager. So, this should not affect users of the camera1394 and swissranger_camera packages. I did not modify the older camera_drivers_experimental for the Box Turtle release. When the API review of the mainline packages is complete, this change will be back-ported to Box Turtle. If someone needs it sooner, let me know. That can probably be arranged. -- joq