On Friday 14 May 2010 20:06:08 Stefan Kohlbrecher wrote: > Hi everyone, > > right now, I'm evaluating the ROS-OROCOS integration because my group > has hard realtime requirements for some control parts of our system. > The integration works fine so far, but there are still some things > that could be easier to do (Automatic timestamp > conversion/synchronization and generation of OROCOS types from ROS > msgs for example). This is part of our PR2 Beta Program project. > From what I gather, on PR2 a RT-PREEMPT Kernel with > a corresponding SCHED_FIFO Thread is used for realtime control. While > this seems to work pretty well, one is bound to using RT-preemption > instead of the dual kernel approach OROCOS permits one to use. > > So, without going into much detail, it seems like using ROS only is > possible, but it might lead to higher latencies in special cases and > isn't as flexible in the choice of the underlying RTOS. OROCOS on the > other hand is more flexible in choice of RTOS, but has some more > overhead (especially in terms of implementation) when integrating it > with ROS nodes. The goal of the Orocos RTT ROS integration is to remove this overhead. Since their is a good semantic mapping between the interface primitives of both frameworks (RTT Ports <-> ROS Topics, RTT(2.0)Operations <-> ROS Services, RTT Properties <-> ROS Parameters) I believe the interface of a realtime Orocos process can be made available in the ROS ecosystem without compromising the realtimeness of the Orocos process and vice versa make the interface of a ROS node available in an Orocos process. > Of course, the best of both worlds would be the best thing to have, so > are there plans for a even tighter integration of both (like the > aforementioned automatic generation of types)? Does anyone have > further insights/experience/tips regarding hard realtime using ROS > with or without OROCOS? Is there some roadmap or cooperation between > developers regarding this topic? I'll be working on this tight integration the coming year together with ROS and Orocos developers. Any suggestions and comments are welcome. Ruben > Thanks in advance for every answer, > regards, > Stefan > _______________________________________________ > ros-users mailing list > ros-users@code.ros.org > https://code.ros.org/mailman/listinfo/ros-users