I'm trying to load rospy on a computer that does not have ros installed on it. When I try: import rospy I get the following error: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ImportError Traceback (most recent call last) pysrc/ in () pysrc/rospy/__init__.py in () 42 from roslib.rosenv import ROS_ROOT, ROS_MASTER_URI, ROS_HOSTNAME, ROS_NAMESPACE, ROS_PACKAGE_PATH, ROS_LOG_DIR 43 ---> 44 import rospy.core 45 import rospy.init 46 pysrc/rospy/core.py in () 47 import xmlrpclib 48 ---> 49 import roslib.msg 50 import roslib.rosenv 51 import roslib.roslogging ImportError: No module named msg --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I don't have the option to install ros on the computer (it's my phone :) ). Is there a way to get around this, or am I misunderstanding how to load rospy? Thanks in advance for your help.