I want to see if the GPS message format can be standardized, and I was wondering if anyone had pointers on what steps need to be taken to get the message format(s) considered for the D-Turtle release. The review process for camera_info_manager seemed to work well enough so perhaps something like that can be used. Right now I'm writing a driver for a GPS that does not work with gpsd, and our lab is working on building some graphical GPS tools so it is probably a good time to standardize the message format before we get much further. I think the gpsd message format looks like a good start, but I would also like to see some sort of waypoint format as well. This will help ensure that all of the tools developed are interoperable. Current Formats http://www.ros.org/doc/api/gpsd_client/html/msg/GPSStatus.html http://www.ros.org/doc/api/applanix/html/msg/GpsInfo.html Are there any other GPS formats in use?