Hi Ian, I have also bumped into that problem, and opened a ticket on it: https://code.ros.org/trac/ros/ticket/2743 I expect that it will get fixed pretty quick, but in the meantime, you could try to download ros_tutorials from svn and add it to your ROS_PACKAGE_PATH: svn co \ https://code.ros.org/svn/ros/stacks/ros_tutorials/branches/boxturtle \ ros_tutorials export ROS_PACKAGE_PATH=`pwd`/ros_tutorials:$ROS_PACKAGE_PATH rosmake turtle_teleop (Not tested, but this should be a step in the right direction.) On Thu, 2010-05-27 at 11:35 -0700, ibwood wrote: > Hi all! > > I am a new ROS user on Ubuntu Linux 10.04 and I am just running through the > tutorials. I am having some trouble with turtlesim because I am missing the > turtle_teleop package and contents.. I have tried to install it but here's > what happens when I type the dependency install and the make package > commands into the terminal: > > Install: > > $ rosdep install turtle_teleop rxtools > Warning: could not identify ['turtle_teleop'] as a package > executing this script: > set -o errexit > #No Packages to install > > Command: > > $ rosmake turtle_teleop roscpp_tutorials rospy_tutorials rxtools > [ rosmake ] Packages requested are: ['turtle_teleop', 'roscpp_tutorials', > 'rospy_tutorials', 'rxtools'] > [ rosmake ] Logging to directory > [ rosmake ] /home/ian/.ros/rosmake/rosmake_output-20100527-143059 > [ rosmake ] Expanded args ['turtle_teleop', 'roscpp_tutorials', > 'rospy_tutorials', 'rxtools'] to: > ['roscpp_tutorials', 'rospy_tutorials', 'rxtools'] > [ rosmake ] WARNING: The following args could not be parsed as stacks or > packages: ['turtle_teleop'] > [ rosmake ] Checking rosdeps compliance for packages turtle_teleop, > roscpp_tutorials, rospy_tutorials, rxtools. This may take a few seconds. > [ rosmake ] rosdep check failed to find system dependencies: rosdep ABORTED: > Cannot location installation of stack ros_tutorials. > ROS_ROOT[/home/ian/ros/ros] ROS_PACKAGE_PATH[/home/ian/ros/stacks] > [ rosmake ] Prebuilding rospack > [ rosmake ] Prebuilding gtest > [ rosmake ] Prebuilding genmsg_cpp > [ rosmake ] [ 2 of 20 Completed ] > [rosmake-0] >>> roslang >>> [ make ] > [rosmake-0] <<< roslang <<< No Makefile in package roslang > > [ rosmake ] [ 2 of 20 Completed ] > [rosmake-1] >>> roslib >>> [ make ] > [ rosmake ] [ 3 of 20 Completed ] > [rosmake-0] >>> xmlrpcpp >>> [ make ] > [rosmake-0] <<< xmlrpcpp <<< [PASS] [ 0.48 seconds ] > [ rosmake ] [ 4 of 20 Completed ] > [rosmake-0] >>> std_srvs >>> [ make ] > [rosmake-0] <<< std_srvs <<< [PASS] [ 0.60 seconds ] > [ rosmake ] [ 5 of 20 Completed ] > [rosmake-0] >>> pycrypto >>> [ make ] > [rosmake-1] <<< roslib <<< [PASS] [ 1.14 seconds ] > [ rosmake ] [ 6 of 20 Completed ] > [rosmake-1] >>> rosconsole >>> [ make ] > [rosmake-0] <<< pycrypto <<< [PASS] [ 0.02 seconds ] > [ rosmake ] [ 7 of 20 Completed ] > [rosmake-0] >>> std_msgs >>> [ make ] > [rosmake-1] <<< rosconsole <<< [PASS] [ 0.66 seconds ] > [ rosmake ] [ 8 of 20 Completed ] > [rosmake-1] >>> roscpp >>> [ make ] > [rosmake-1] <<< roscpp <<< [PASS] [ 1.35 seconds ] > [ rosmake ] [ 9 of 20 Completed ] > [rosmake-1] >>> rospy >>> [ make ] > [rosmake-1] <<< rospy <<< [PASS] [ 0.38 seconds ] > [ rosmake ] [ 10 of 20 Completed ] > [rosmake-1] >>> paramiko >>> [ make ] > [rosmake-1] <<< paramiko <<< [PASS] [ 0.02 seconds ] > [ rosmake ] [ 11 of 20 Completed ] > [rosmake-1] >>> rosout >>> [ make ] > [rosmake-1] <<< rosout <<< [PASS] [ 0.47 seconds ] > [ rosmake ] [ 12 of 20 Completed ] > [rosmake-1] >>> roslaunch >>> [ make ] > [rosmake-1] <<< roslaunch <<< No Makefile in package roslaunch > > [ rosmake ] [ 13 of 20 Completed ] > [rosmake-1] >>> rostest >>> [ make ] > [rosmake-1] <<< rostest <<< [PASS] [ 0.41 seconds ] > [ rosmake ] [ 14 of 20 Completed ] > [rosmake-1] >>> wxswig >>> [ make ] > [rosmake-1] <<< wxswig <<< [PASS] [ 0.02 seconds ] > [ rosmake ] [ 15 of 20 Completed ] > [rosmake-1] >>> wxPython_swig_interface >>> [ make ] > [rosmake-1] <<< wxPython_swig_interface <<< No Makefile in package > wxPython_swig_interface > > [ rosmake ] [ 16 of 20 Completed ] > [rosmake-1] >>> rxtools >>> [ make ] > [rosmake-0] <<< std_msgs <<< [PASS] [ 3.55 seconds ] > [ rosmake ] [ 17 of 20 Completed ] > [rosmake-0] >>> roscpp_tutorials >>> [ make ] > [rosmake-0] <<< roscpp_tutorials <<< [PASS] [ 1.20 seconds ] > [ rosmake ] [ 18 of 20 Completed ] > [rosmake-0] >>> rospy_tutorials >>> [ make ] > [rosmake-1] <<< rxtools <<< [PASS] [ 1.41 seconds ] > [rosmake-0] <<< rospy_tutorials <<< [PASS] [ 0.88 seconds ] > [ rosmake ] Summary output to directory > [ rosmake ] /home/ian/.ros/rosmake/rosmake_output-20100527-143059 > [ rosmake ] WARNING: Rosdep did not detect the following system dependencies > as installed: rosdep ABORTED: Cannot location installation of stack > ros_tutorials. ROS_ROOT[/home/ian/ros/ros] > ROS_PACKAGE_PATH[/home/ian/ros/stacks] Consider using --rosdep-install > option or `rosdep install roscpp_tutorials rospy_tutorials rxtools` > [ rosmake ] WARNING: Skipped command line arguments: ['turtle_teleop'] > because they could not be resolved to a stack name or a package name. > > Any help on this matter would be strongly appreciated. Thanks! > > -Ian