Are there any tools anywhere in the ROS stacks, or does anyone have any techniques for, generating movie files from a ROS image topic? The tricky bit is that I have an image that is updated at some variable rate (usually something like 1 to 5 Hz), and the only ways I know of to create movie files would assume a fixed constant rate. I want the movie that is generated to maintain this variable timing, and ideally well enough that it can be synchronized with other output such as an rviz display (the latter captured with GLC). I suppose it should be possible to do a fixed frame rate that is high relative to the variable rate, say 30 Hz, and just write frames out to disk at that high rate even if they are unchanged. But are there ways to do this without most of the output being duplicate frames? I did some googling around and found hints that variable frame rate codecs exist but very little information about how to generate movies. Thanks, Pat