Hi everyone, I am attempting to use robot_pose_ekf to combine the measurements from my IMU with the odometry of the robot. For this purpose I have configured robot_pose_ekf to not use visual_odometry input. Running the launch file, every topic is correctly connected. However, the ekf filter repeatedly prints: Odom sensor activated odom sensor not active any more and I get this debug message: [DEBUG] 1275662646.245471000: Could not transform imu message from /xsens to base_footprint. Imu will not be activated yet. As my tf-tree is set up according to the navigation-stack tutorial my robots coordinate frame is called "base_link", instead of "base_footprint". In order to set up a connection to my robots frame, I have added this static transform: With this the robot_pose_ekf now publishes fused pose estimates. Now this warning pops up from time to time: [ WARN] 1275665674.294791000: Robot pose ekf diagnostics discovered a potential problem. I have also noticed two additional frame_ids that are not connected to the rest of the tf-tree, namely "odom_combined" and "odomwheel". From this I gather that what I have done is not the proper way to solve the problem. But what is the proper way to solve it? Is there a way to remap frame_ids similar to remapping topics? Or is this not the cause of my problem at all? Regards, Jan Elseberg