2010/6/7 Tinne De Laet : > Both boxturtle and latest fail to install due to gtest: > [ rosmake ] Prebuilding gtest > > When having a closer look at gtest it appears that the md5sum check failed: > boxturtle: > [rosbuild] Checking md5sum on build/gtest-1.0.1.tar.gz > [rosbuild] WARNING: md5sum mismatch (d3878a56dfbc2dfa012153433b0e487c != > e04c97860c226db80e9e32421deedb55); re-downloading file > build/gtest-1.0.1.tar.gz > [rosbuild] ERROR: md5sum mismatch (d3878a56dfbc2dfa012153433b0e487c != > e04c97860c226db80e9e32421deedb55) on build/gtest-1.0.1.tar.gz; aborting > make: *** [build/gtest-1.0.1/unpacked] Error 1 > > When replacing the md5sums in gtest-1.0.1.tar.gz.md5sum  for boxturtle > and gtest-1.3.0.tar.gz.md5sum for latest, building succeeds. This looks like a consequence of pr.willowgarage.com being down, the checksum for boxturtle is actually correct. The "new" checksum is probably that of an empty page. The tarball gets downloaded from pr.willowgarage.com, see 3rdparty/gtest/Makefile The one for latest is probably correct as well. If you look closer, you'll notice that the "new" checksums are the _same_ for _different_ tarballs, which is highly unlikely. Rene