Hello! I'm Anterma. I'm new in this mailing list. I've a small robot with sensors (for example, IR) and motors. I want to work with my robot using a robot operating system, like Player or ROS. I don't know which one choose. I used to work with Player 2.0.5. I changed erratic driver and made it to work with my own protocol. Now I want to develop my own Player driver or ROS driver. Can you help me? What do you think? Is easier to develop a Player driver or a ROS driver? Do you know if there are some documentation about how to develop a Player driver? Do you know if there are some documentation about how to develop a ROS driver? If you where in my situation, which oen do you choose? Thank you, Anterma -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Busca, compara... pero busca en Qué! Descúbrelo en http://buscar.que.es/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Correo enviado desde http://www.ozu.es