I am working on a set of tutorials for the camera1394 driver. One needs to explain how to set it up correctly for camera_calibration, and I'd like to leverage the excellent tutorials already written for that package: http://www.ros.org/wiki/camera_calibration/Tutorials In most of my examples, I simplify the discussion by running a single camera1394_node, which publishes the standard default image_pipeline topics: camera/image_raw camera/camera_info At least for monocular calibration, I think it might be clearer for the main calibration tutorial to use these same topics as an example, instead of: /my_camera/camera_info /my_camera/image At the very least, I think it should use "image_raw" and not "image". I don't mind making these small changes to the camera_calibration tutorial, but do not want to trespass on others' territory. Maybe there is a reason for using non-standard topics as examples. Maybe I should be using them, too? I am less clear about the stereo calibration tutorial, not having done that yet. For camera1394, which is a purely monocular driver, the user needs to start two driver nodes, perhaps in different namespaces or else using remap for the output topics and service names. (I have found different namespaces more convenient so far in my own testing.) I suppose there are probably problems with coordinating Image time stamps with two nodes. Maybe that won't work in this release. Any guidance as to how I should proceed? -- joq