Hi, OS:debian version:squeeze Installing as root (tried as a user, same errors) Would this be the correct mailing list to ask for help/ideas regards ROS install problems? In case yes, details below. If no oops sorry. Command used: (tried turtlebox same error) ./rosinstall /opt/ros http://ros.org/rosinstalls/latest_base.rosinstall [ rosmake ] Generating Install Script using rosdep then executing. This may take a minute, you will be prompted for permissions. . . [ rosmake ] [ make ] Failed to find rosdep log4cxx for package rostest on OS:debian version:squeeze [snip] WARNING: Rosdeps [u'log4cxx', u'boost', u'boost', u'log4cxx'] could not be resolved log4cxx is installed so manually installed log4cxx-dev Still same error. So tried installing manually boost (boost--build and bjam) Still same error. I have the full install details saved and can send the install log files from .ros/ M. -- Mark Worsdall