On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 4:50 AM, Bill Morris wrote: > Testing the firewire 1394 with Unibrain fire-i > with c-turtle from svn on Ubuntu Lucid > > Is it possible that the driver could check the permissions > on /dev/raw1394 and throw and error if they are wrong? Maybe. That check only works with the older Linux 1394 drivers. The new Juju firewire drivers should not need it, AFAIK. I actually thought Lucid provided the newer driver stack. Is it still running raw1394 by default? > Setting the image mode/size with dynamic reconfigure works > > Setting the frame rate with dynamic reconfigure dies... > process[rosout-1]: started with pid [4066] > started core service [/rosout] > process[camera1394_node-2]: started with pid [4152] > libdc1394 error: Error: Failed to allocate iso bandwidth > libdc1394 error: Error: Failed to setup DMA capture > [FATAL] [1276679139.746130968]: [081443610264e0c0] exception opening > device: [Camera1394::open]: Failed to open device! Unfortunately, there are lots of combinations of parameters that can cause this failure. Do you recall what video_mode, frame_rate and iso_speed you were using? Do the same settings work in coriander? Unlike coriander, the camera1394 driver does not limit those parameter settings to ones actually allowed by the device. That is on my long list of things to improve, but it does not look do-able for this release. I'll try to make this annoying limitation clear in the Tutorial and Troubleshooting pages. > Setting bayer options also kills it > process[camera1394_node-2]: started with pid [7719] > [ERROR] [1276677740.411501923]: Could not convert/debayer frames > terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc' >  what():  std::bad_alloc > [camera1394_node-2] process has died [pid 7719, exit code -6]. Opened defect: https://code.ros.org/trac/ros-pkg/ticket/4178 The error message is correct, the crash is not. ;-) > Sometimes camera calibration dies with when I hit commit. > This is the error from camera calibration. > https://code.ros.org/trac/ros-pkg/ticket/4177 -- joq