I had similar problems with compiz and rviz (or openrave, glxgears, etc.). I found that if I opened a terminal and then ran "unset LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT", the flickering problems disappeared, allowing me to have both compiz and working 3d apps. Just a thought. Peter On 06/16/2010 08:37 PM, Narasimhan wrote: > thanks i uninstalled compiz and reinstalled hardware drivers and everything > is fine now. just 1 last doubt. > as i move the robot as per this tutorial > http://www.ros.org/wiki/simulator_stage/Tutorials/SimulatingOneRobot > SimulatingOneRobot > in the rviz the past images gets erased as new places are discovered. is > this normal. i hope u understand what i mean. > when the robot starts from point say "A" and it moves and discovers more and > more places in the map the previous places that it had already discovered(in > rviz) gets erased. i think its due to limited buffer. >