Is there any particular reason that image_proc and image_view use so much cpu? CPU0: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T5270 @ 1.40GHz stepping 0d PID USER PR NI VIRT RES SHR S %CPU %MEM TIME+ COMMAND 12247 user 20 0 101m 18m 12m S 15 0.9 0:09.97 image_view 12249 user 20 0 101m 18m 12m S 15 0.9 0:09.10 image_view 12248 user 20 0 99.1m 15m 9740 S 15 0.8 0:11.15 image_proc 12246 user 20 0 95528 26m 10m S 13 1.3 0:08.27 usb_cam_node Is this mostly messaging overhead that could be fixed by moving to nodelets? Has there been much work been done to optimize the nodes within the image_pipeline package?